WJ IV is structured to offer customized, efficient assessments your evaluators can use to make confident, defensible claims, diagnoses, and interventions.
Typical Users: School Psychologist, Clinical Psychologist, Speech/Language Pathologist
While no tool can replace an examiner's training, experience, and intuition, WIIIP reports offer a research-based supplement that can serve as a starting point for analysis and discussion.
Typical Users: School Psychologist,
Clinical Psychologist
BDI-3™ measures mastery of developmental milestones, foundational literacy and mathematics skills in children ages 3 years 6 months to 7 years 11 months.
Typical Users: School Psychologist, Classroom Teacher,
Early Childhood Specialist
ECAD offers a dynamic way to assess emerging
cognitive abilities and academic skills in young
children and children with cognitive delays.
Typical Users: School Psychologist,
Clinical Psychologist
Designed for use with examinees ages 3 to 22, WMLS III measures listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills to determine language dominance and proficiency.
Typical Users: School Psychologist, Clinical Psychologist, Speech/Language Pathologist
Appropriate for all children from birth through age 7 years, 11 months, BDI-2 NU assesses developmental milestones in the Motor, Adaptive, Cognitive, Personal-Social, and Communication domains.
Typical Users: School Psychologist, Classroom Teacher,
Early Childhood Specialist
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