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Woodcock-Johnson® IV

WJ IV Chiclet

WJ IV is structured to offer customized, efficient assessments your evaluators can use to make confident, defensible claims, diagnoses, and interventions. 

Typical Users: School Psychologist, Clinical Psychologist, Speech/Language Pathologist

Test Kits

Answer Documents


The WJ IV Interpretation and Instructional Interventions Program™ (WIIIP®)

WIIIP Chiclet

While no tool can replace an examiner's training, experience, and intuition, WIIIP reports offer a research-based supplement that can serve as a starting point for analysis and discussion.

Typical Users: School Psychologist,
Clinical Psychologist

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Batería IV

BatIV Chiclet

Batería IV is the parallel Spanish version of the WJ IV. It offers an efficient, effective assessment of cognitive abilities and academic skills for Spanish speakers age 2 - 90+.

Typical Users: School Psychologist, Clinical Psychologist, Speech/Language Pathologist

Test Kits

Test Records

Battelle® Developmental Inventory, Third Edition™ (BDI-3™)

BDI 3 Chiclet-1

BDI-3 measures mastery of developmental milestones, foundational literacy and mathematics skills in children ages 3 years 6 months to 7 years 11 months.

Typical Users: School Psychologist, Classroom Teacher,
Early Childhood Specialist

Test Kits

Test Records


The Woodcock-Johnson IV Tests of Early Cognitive and Academic Development (ECAD®)

ECAD Chiclet

ECAD offers a dynamic way to assess emerging
cognitive abilities and academic skills in young
children and children with cognitive delays. 

Typical Users: School Psychologist,
Clinical Psychologist

Test Kits

Response Books

The Woodcock-Muñoz Language Survey® III (WMLS™ III)

WMLS III Chiclet

Designed for use with examinees ages 3 to 22, WMLS III measures listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills to determine language dominance and proficiency.

Typical Users: School Psychologist, Clinical Psychologist, Speech/Language Pathologist

Test Kits

Answer Documents


Battelle® Developmental Inventory, Second Edition Normative Update
(BDI-2™ NU)

BDI 2 Chiclet

Appropriate for all children from birth through age 7 years, 11 months, BDI-2 NU assesses developmental milestones in the Motor, Adaptive, Cognitive, Personal-Social, and Communication domains.

Typical Users: School Psychologist, Classroom Teacher,
Early Childhood Specialist

Test Kits

Test Records

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