Targeted Assessment Solutions: Dyscalculia
Access your comprehensive dyscalculia evaluation playbooks for early childhood, school aged students, & English learners
Dyslcalculia Evaluations for Early Childhood
Assessment for younger children should place an emphasis on the foundational skills for mathematical achievement including number sense, memorization of basic math facts, accurate computation and calculation, and accurate math reasoning.
Riverside Insights offers powerful tools in the assessment of Dyscalculia, allowing examiners to assess various latent and applied abilities pertinent to early childhood math achievement.

Evaluating for Dyscalculia at School
IDEA states that, “individuals can be classified as having a specific learning disability due to a disorder in the processes involved in mathematical calculations and/or mathematical reasoning.” Literature suggests various factors that may inform dyscalculia, including the influence of hereditary factors, cognitive functions, as well as weaknesses in math skills and quantitative knowledge.
Assess using valid and reliable tools in the assessment of Dyscalculia, allowing examiners to gauge various latent and applied abilities pertinent to mathematics achievement throughout the lifespan.
For students who are English Learners, it is important to consider language exposure and proficiency when conducting an evaluation for dyscalculia. While the language demands of mathematics are generally lower, students still must have adequate language comprehension and language production to access the instruction and demonstrate understanding when math concepts are taught.
Be empowered to evaluate Dyscalculia in Spanish-speaking bilingual populations by selecting appropriate measures to assess various latent and applied abilities pertinent to math achievement throughout the lifespan.