PreK-12 Webinar Recordings & Other Resources
Recorded Webinars
- For Educators, By Educators
- A series of conversations by educators like you about classroom strategies
- A series of conversations by educators like you about classroom strategies
- Hear From Your Peers
- Learn successful tactics that influenced real change in school districts just like yours
- Learn successful tactics that influenced real change in school districts just like yours
- Hear From the Experts
- Discover innovative practices from education and assessment experts
- Discover innovative practices from education and assessment experts
- I T.E.A.C.H. Series
- Talk Education, Assessment, & Current Happenings
- Best practices for assessment, PLCs, and data meetings
- CogAT in the Classroom
- Get the most out of your CogAT data
- Educational Equity
- Reflect on your districts current practices and be inspired by equitable action
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Navigate SEL impact and implementation in these conversations with district leaders
- Response to Intervention (RTI)
- Webinars exploring tools & strategies to tackle RTI challenges
- Product-specific resources
- Learn more about CogAT, Iowa Assessments, and more
Hear From Your Peers
- Mankato, MN - Best Practices for Promoting Diversity in Identification for G&T Programs
- Richardson ISD - Part 1: Equitable Placement of Students in Diverse Environments
- Richardson ISD - Part 2: Differentiated Services for Students from Diverse Environments
- Jeffco, CO - Part 1: Using Ability Data as a Bridge to Equity: Building Structures that Engage Stakeholders with Cognitive Data
- Jeffco, CO - Part 2: Using Ability Data as a Bridge to Equity - Building Capacity for Educators to Leverage Cognitive Data in the Classroom
- Douglas County, CO - Navigating Change for Greater Equity
- Newton County, GA - Amplifying Student Strengths to Maximize Growth
- Anchorage, AK - Introducing Multiple Pathways to Enable Talented Students
- Oldham County, KY - The Biggest Lever for Student Growth: Ability Data
- Charleston County, SC - Stretch or Support Student Ability
- Richardson ISD - Putting It All Together
- Onslow County - Now that we've leveled the playing field, what game are we playing?
- Diocese of Jefferson City & Diocese of Kansas City/St. Joseph - Best Practices to Gain Data Insights for Student Achievement
- State College Area - Increasing Universal Screening Effectiveness through Equitable Processes for the Unserved
- Trumbull County, OH - Uncovering Equitable Identification Practices
- Scottsdale Christian Academy (ACSI) - Soaring to New Heights in Student Achievement
- Piqua City Schools, OH - Guided Steps to Algebra Success
- The Jay School Corporation, IN - Guided Steps to Algebra Success
- Dublin City Schools - Seeing Students Flourish
**NEW** - Understanding Student Strengths and Learning: Completing the Puzzle
Hear From the Experts
- Universal Screening - More Important Now than Ever Before
- Measuring Cognitive Reasoning with Validity and Equity
- Best Practices in Using Local Norms
- Ability Profile™ Scores and Differentiating Instruction
- Interpreting CogAT Scores in the Time of COVID
- This Student is Gifted. Now What?
- Interpreting Achievement Data in a Post-Covid World
- Readiness and Growth for Advanced Learners
- Building a Well-Balanced Student Profile with Andi McNair
CogAT in the Classroom
- What is Ability Data and Why Does it Matter
- Ability Profiles™: Understanding Student Cognitive Strengths
- Ability Data as a Tool for Differentiation
- Develop Students' Verbal, Nonverbal, & Quantitative Reasoning Skills
- What to Do as a Gifted Coordinator
- Local Norms and Equitable Identification
- In the Eyes of a Parent: Understand Your Child's Cognitive Ability
- Help All Students Thrive in the Classroom and Beyond
- Understand Social-Emotional and Cognitive Strengths
- Compare Student Potential and Performance
For Educators By Educators
- Week 1: Over-testing our kids (and what to do about it)
- Week 2: Aligning instruction for every student’s needs
- Week 3: Supporting English Learners and Diverse Learners in the Classroom
- Week 4: Addressing External Influences and Social-Emotional Learning
- Week 5: Being Creative in Amplifying Student Potential
- Week 6: Building the Bridge Between Special Ed and Gen Ed
- Week 7: Advancing Equity in Your Classrooms
Educational Equity
- Using Ability Insights to Guide More Equitable Program Decisions (Part 1 / 3)
- Dispelling the Myths: Why You Need Verbal, Non-Verbal, and Quantitative Data to Provide Equal Opportunities (Part 2 / 3)
- Considerations for Remote Administration and Data Analysis this Fall (Part 3 / 3)
- Practical Tips to Expand Gifted Opportunities as a Pathway to True Educational Equity - Colin Seale and Dr. Joni Lakin
- Tangible Equity: A Framework for Identity, Excellence, and Leadership In and Beyond the Classroom - Colin Seale and Dr. Joni Lakin
- Invisible Inequities in Assessment Programs: Disrupt Your Assessment Programs to Meet All Student Needs
- Introduction to the Balanced Assessment Playbook
Social-Emotional Learning
- Promoting Educational Equity Through SEL Assessment - Aperture Education + Riverside Insights
- Hear from Your Peers: A School’s Journey to Proactively Improve Student Well-Being - LEAD Public Schools, TN
- A Strengths-Based Approach to SEL for ALL Students
- Social Emotional Learning in Gifted Education
Response to Intervention (RTI)
- Easy Tools for RTI in Action - Live Session 1 + Q/A
- Easy Tools for RTI in Action - Live Session 2 + Q/A
- Easy Tools for RTI in Action - Session Recording Only
- CBM Skills and easyCBM: The Benefits of Diagnostic Math Practice
- Write Right Now and easyCBM: Offering Writing Assessment and Intervention Across Content Areas
- Pandemic Learning Loss- Using easyCBM to Guide Recovery
- Skip, Repeat, or Intervene - Perspective for the GenEd Classroom: Why Intervention is our Best Option
- Hear From Your Peers: Rutherford County, TN – Best Practices for Scaling Intervention Systems
Product-specific Resources
Cognitive Abilities Test™ (CogAT®)
- Getting to Know CogAT
- CogAT and Equity
- Getting to Know CogAT for Differentiation
- Getting to Know CogAT Profiles
- Getting to Know CogAT for Parents
- Take your CogAT Scores out of the Drawer - CogAT Dashboard
- 3 Things You Can Do Right Now with CogAT Data
CogAT and Culturally Responsive Identification Practices
CogAT, Iowa Assessments™, easyCBM®, and Iowa Algebra Aptitude Test™ (IAAT™)
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