BDI-3 University Training Program
A 50% Discount on BDI-3 Items and No Charge Access Keys for University Program Participants
Riverside Insights is committed to supporting the accuracy of your early childhood assessments. To provide easier access to the utility of the Battelle® Developmental Inventory, Third Edition™ (BDI-3™), we offer the below items at a 50% discount and provide Access Keys at no charge to all University Training Participants for the following instruments:
- BDI-3 English
- BDI-3 Spanish
Each item name will have its corresponding store Title Number in parentheses to ensure a smooth shopping experience.
BDI-3 English
- BDI-3 English Developmental Complete – Includes 25 Electronic Record Forms (ERFs) and 25 Paper Record Forms (2001259)
- BDI-3 English Screening Test - Includes 25 Electronic Record Forms (ERFs) and 25 Paper Record Forms (2001261)
- Battelle Early Academic Survey (BEAS) English – Includes 25 Electronic Record Forms (ERFs) and 25 Paper Record Forms (2001260)
Electronic Record Forms (ERFs)
- BDI 3 Developmental Complete ERFs Pk. 25 (2000285)
- BDI-3 Screening Test ERFs Pk. 25 (2000290)
- Battelle Early Academic Survey ERFs Pk. 25 (2000280)
Paper Record Forms with Online Scoring
- Developmental Complete Pk. 25 (2000284)
- BDI-3 Screening Test Pk. 25 (2000289)
- Battelle Early Academic Survey Pk. 25 (2000281)
English Paper Record Forms for Scoring Using the Electronic Norms and Score Conversions Manual
- BDI-3 Developmental Complete Paper Record Forms for Hand Scoring (Pk. 25) (2000245)
- BDI-3 Developmental Screening Paper Record Forms for Hand Scoring (Pk. 25) (2000248)
Student Workbooks
- BDI-3 Developmental Complete Student Workbook Pk. 25 (2000246)
BDI-3 Spanish
- BDI-3 Spanish Developmental Complete – Includes 25 Electronic Record Forms (ERFs) and 25 Paper Record Forms (2000969)
- BDI-3 Spanish Screening Test - Includes 25 Electronic Record Forms (ERFs) and 25 Paper Record Forms (20000973)
Electronic Record Forms (ERFs)
- BDI-3 Spanish Developmental Complete Record Forms (Pk.25) (2001275)
- BDI-3 Spanish Developmental Screening Record Forms (Pk.25) (2001276)
Paper Record Forms with Online Scoring
- BDI-3 Spanish Developmental Complete Record Forms (Pk.25) (2000971)
- BDI-3 Spanish Developmental Screening Record Form (Pk.25) (2000975)
Spanish Paper Record Forms for Scoring Using the Electronic Norms and Score Conversions Manual
- BDI-3 Spanish Developmental Complete Record Forms (Pk.25) (2001273)
- BDI-3 Spanish Developmental Screening Record Forms (Pk.25) (2000962)
Student Workbooks
- BDI-3 Spanish Developmental Complete Student Workbook (Pk.25) (2000960)
Requesting Access to the Program
Due to the sensitive nature of these testing materials, we ask that you please complete the form below so we can validate your coursework before providing access for use.